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Vice President for Research is a multiple-responsibility Sector that oversees management and functionality of three constituent offices (Research Sector, Academic Publication Council and Center for Gulf & Arabian Peninsula Studies).

Research Sector is being a clear drive towards elevating, investing, and globalizing institutional research, within the framework of the sector four-fold Strategic Objectives by:
1. Elevating the level of Scientific Research at KU.
2. Investing and benefitting from research outcomes.
3. Reaching prestigious level of global presence in research at Kuwait University.
4. Development of scientific methodologies.

Scientific Reseach Conference

The annual holding of the Scientific Research Conference is aimed at encouraging researchers to display their scientific expertise and share their experience, research results and accomplishments with their colleagues, as well as inspire them to pursue their research interests, scientific ambitions and aspirations.

Commercialise Your Research Now

Kuwait University’s Patent Office (part of the Research Sector) collaborates with researchers and academics who want to protect and commercialise the results of their research. We can implement commercialisation strategies to transform a researcher idea into a commercial opportunity. Take a look at this short video to see how we can support you on your commercialisation journey...


Research Awards

The research awards primarily aim at recognizing research excellence, and honoring faculty researchers for their outstanding research contributions to scientific advancement.

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