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Best Young Researchers Awards

A total of 4 awards are earmarked for Best Young Researchers, in recognition of outstanding research efforts of faculty members at the Assistant Professor's level, and evenly distributed over applied sciences and arts & humanities streams. The winning entries are selected through the standard process of evaluation and assessment of researchers’ accomplishments, with merit being the sole determining criteria for award winners.

RS is currently in the process of reforming and establishing new criteria for evaluation of faculty nominations under the two awards categories for distinguished research in Applied Sciences and Arts & Humanities fields. The purpose is to generate a more refined evaluation yardstick for an explicitly measurable rating scale that could facilitate competitive review of nominations, and selection of winning entries. The new criteria, centered on point-based system, is intended to serve as a dependable instrument for competitive assessment of a nominee's scientific publications and professional activities, qualifying him/her for Distinguished & Best Young Researchers Awards. The point-based system is earmarked for presidential endorsement, prior to its adoption/implementation.