Registry of Current Events in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Region
The document monitors and registers current events in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula region, and two editions have been recently released in continuation of the series, which are No. 86 (April- May- June 2018) and No. 87 (July- August- September 2018). The Registry of Current Events in the Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Region is a periodical, published four times a year by CGAPS.
Strategic Reports Series
The latest documents in the Strategic Report series are based on specialized research studies used to bridge the gap between knowledge and decision-makers. The series has recently released a report entitled: “Limitations of the Components of Integrated Construction”, a comparative study between GCC and the Arab Maghreb Union on the level of participation in the integration of parliaments. The report is authored by Dr. Imad Sadok Marzouki.
A refereed scientific series, the document is based on specialized research, with CGAPS releasing the outcomes of a study on “The Local Administration in the GCC Countries,” by Dr. Fuad Al-Deeb.
Abstracts Series on M.A. and Ph.D. Dissertations
The Abstracts Series documents summaries on Master’s and Ph.D. Dissertations, with CGAPS releasing 2 abstracts issues as follows:
A. Ph.D. Dissertation Abstract entitled: “The Effects of (RISK) and “Master Thinker” Programs on Critical and Creative Thinkingamong Intermediate and Secondary High Achieving Female Students”, prepared by Dr. Ma’ali N.F. Al-Ajmi.
B. M.A. Dissertation Abstract entitled: “The Level of Religious, Intellectual, Political and Social Tolerance Values of Kuwait University Students from their Own Point of View”, Prepared by Layla Solaiman Mohamad.