Copyright 2024 - Reserved for Office of Vice President for Research

Prof. Othman Al-Khudher, Acting Vice President for Research, announced that the Research Sector has developed the ChatGPT feature to better serve researchers, attending to their inquiries regarding research grants, events and other related matters. Prof. Al-Khudher explained that the feature is currently available in English only, however, the Arabic version is in progress and should be available soon. He further said that the ChatGPT service will be launched starting from February 7, 2024.

Q: How to get the Research Support Application?

A: Latest Research Support Application for various types of grants could be accessed through OVPR website
Q: What is the mechanism of applying for Research Support?

A: The Researcher applies directly to the Research Sector for the research grant on the standard Research Support Application. The Research Administration ensures the completion of all needed information in accordance to current rules and regulations governing the grant support process, without making any comment on the proposal’s scientific content. The Application is then assigned an identifying Project Code, and sent to the Departmental Research Coordinator for routine review by the Scientific Research Committee, as regards the project’s scientific content. After departmental clearance, the project is forwarded to the Vice Dean for Research, for requisite review procedures at the Faculty Scientific Research Committee.
Q: When is it possible to start the project, after a project is approved?

A: The researcher could start working on the project within three months, from the date of Research Sector’s grant approval. In special cases, the researcher may apply for delaying the starting date of the project, duly justifying the reasons. However, in no case, such a delay could exceed a maximum period of 6 months from the grant’s approval date.
Q: What is meant by a Grant Contract?

A: A Grant Contract is an agreement signed between two parties - the Research Sector and the PI of the project. This Contract is only signed when the PI specifies the date of starting the project, and accordingly divides its budget over the next fiscal years of the project’s duration. The Vice President for Research signs the contract representing Kuwait University, and the PI signs the agreement as the grant recipient. Research Sector expects that each researcher would read the contract terms carefully, for these are binding on him/her, and any violation, concerning any term of the contract would lead to mobilization of appropriate steps, as deemed necessary, to ensure adherence to the contract terms by the parties concerned.
Q: Is it possible to make any modifications on the approved research project plan?

A: The researcher is not allowed to modify the approved research project plan, without the prior approval of the Research Sector. He/she is also obliged to fulfill his/her responsibilities to Kuwait University as regards project implementation, based on the approved plan, and in accordance to the administrative and financial regulations of Kuwait University, thus assuming full responsibility for the research contract that he/she signs.
Q: Is it possible to add a CoI. during the project’s progress, and what are the procedures?

A: If the project needs the participation of an additional researcher, the PI can ask for his/her participation as a CoI, provided he/she specifies the researcher’s role in the project, with valid justifications to the Research Sector for approving additional CoI. However, no such request for additional CoI. could be considered if the project has reached the final phase of the project with only 6 months remaining as regards its completion date.
Q: Is it possible that the researcher accepts funding from other institutions while working on an ongoing project funded by the RS?

A: The researcher cannot accept any funding from any other institution, or request funding from other institutions for project’s publications, unless such requests have been approved by the Research Sector, also if such requests have been submitted to RS for consideration with due justifications. The Research Administration studies all such requests received, and accordingly informs the researcher about the approval/rejection of the request made.
Q: What duration is allowed for extending the project work?

A: A researcher is allowed an additional duration of up to 1/3rd of the original duration of the project to facilitate completion of his/her project work, based on valid justifications for seeking such extension, together with reasons as regards his/her inability to finish the project within the project’s original duration. Also, the researcher is required to submit separate requests for extension and for seeking additional support, as each of these is governed by different procedures, and considered separately. In all cases, the extension request should be applied within 3 months of the project’s original ending date.
Q: Is it possible to freeze working on the project?

A: The Researcher can freeze working on his/her project for no more than three months after submitting such request to the Research Sector, with strong justifications. The request is examined prior to the approval of ‘freeze’ request. For all practical purposes, the Research Sector does not encourage freezing for various reasons, unless the reasons are genuine, and justifications valid. On the ending of the ‘freeze’ period, work is resumed on the project automatically, and this period is added to the specified date of project and the contract. A second or subsequent period of ‘freeze’ is not allowed.
Q: When are the project’s Progress and Final Reports required to be submitted?

A: A researcher is required to submit periodical reports about the project’s progress and accomplishments, followed by the Final Report, on project’s completion. These dates are specified in the grant contract. Research Sector can put the project “On Hold” in case the researcher does not submit requisite Progress Report(s) within three months of the specified date, and the Final Report within six months of the project's completion date.
Q: What are the essential requirements for preparing the Progress Report?

A: A Progress Report must include following information:
1. A brief introduction, research objectives, project implementation plan, and budget allocated, for the requisite period.
2. The major part of the report details research output or results achieved during the reporting period, outlining the research goals achieved, the constraints encountered, and steps taken to overcome them.
          • The report also specifies the progress made on research in terms of original research plan, and the budget expenditure during the report period.
          • It is important that the report reflects scientific productivity from the project’s output, whether published, accepted for publishing, or discussed at a scientific conference, or even to be presented by the researcher.
3. The concluding part of the report should highlight research achievements, and future plans as regards advanced objectives, which encompass the plan for the next phase of project implementation, clearly specifying how far it is same or different from the original suggested plan.
Q: What are the elements of the Final Report of the research project?

A: 1. Introduction: Outlining the general theme of the project, its goals and budget, and its conceptual framework in the light of what has already been achieved in the field.
2. Outlining research achievements, while specifying the project’s adherence to the original plan of research. In case of any change in project, stating the reasons for requisite modifications.
3. The report must mention all that has been achieved concerning the project’s goals, with due emphasis on the significance and scientific importance of results achieved, articles published, and journals in which the papers were published, accepted for publishing, or are under-preparation, including those discussed or presented at international conferences.
4. The concluding part of the report must focus on the importance of results achieved for the State of Kuwait and the GCC, and how far these contribute to existing knowledge in the field, and advance research in the requisite area.
Q: What types of grants are awarded by the Research Sector?

A: The Research Sector provides following grants:
1. Research Initiation Grants (RIG): These grants are confined to newly appointed Kuwaiti academic staff at the Assistant Professor's level, to introduce them to the prevailing scientific environment at KU, and to initiate their participation in RS’s sponsored programs and activities. The grant is offered as an incentive to encourage pursuit of scientific research, eventually leading to comprehensive more advanced research
2. University Research Projects: Open to all faculty members, wishing to pursue research in specialized fields of their interest.
3. Priority Research Projects: Granted to researchers for pursuing research in areas of designated priorities, specified annually by the Funding Committee. The recipients of such grants enjoy distinct advantage and facilities through such grants.
4. Graduate Research Projects: To facilitate Master’s and Ph.D Students in pursuing postgraduate research as part of Master's and doctoral programs. The purpose is to develop scientific minds and preparing young students cadres of innovation and creative talent who have the potential for absorbing modern techniques and methods of research and analysis, through Master’s and Doctoral research grants.
5. General Facilities Projects: Given to faculties for developing research infrastructure, facilities and labs, for advanced experimentation, in-depth studies and precision analysis in implementing research projects.
6. University Services Projects: These grants are offered to faculties, departments and university sectors to facilitate faculties in developing new or existing services to enhance the sphere of institutional functions, operations and capabilities.
7. External Research Projects: For pursuing joint research studies in cooperation with external institutions, such as KFAS, EPA, PIC, Terryfox foundation, etc.
8. National Research Projects: To encourage research in areas of designated priorities, dominant social and community concerns and issues of strategic national significance for finding requisite solutions, for example, such concerns as Divorce, Fish Kill, Drugs problem in the State of Kuwait, etc.
9. Joint Research Projects (GCC): These grants facilitate pursuit of joint research with GCC universities, as part of RS's long-standing goal of finding scientific solutions to common problems and concerns that challenge communities in this part of the world.

Detailed information about various types of grants are available on OVRS’s website.
Q: What are the conditions to work as a PI, or as a resident/non-resident/external CoI on a research project?

A: 1. A PI should be: - A Faculty member at Kuwait University - Not a Visiting Professor or be on Secondment - The number of ongoing projects should not exceed a total of four projects, out of which he/she is a PI in no more than two projects. This condition is not applicable to Graduate Research Projects, Priority Research Projects, National Research Projects and General Facilities Projects.
2. Co.I (Resident) should be: - A faculty member or a Ph.D holder who works at Kuwait University. His/her mission should be specified in the Research Application, implementation of which is essential for achieving the project’s specified goals. This condition is not applicable to Graduate Research project, Priority Research Projects, National Research Projects and General Facilities Projects.
3. Non-Resident Co.I: - A Ph.D holder, working in an approved academic institution outside Kuwait. - His/her participation is limited to the level of Co.I only, and only in one project. It is not allowed to have him/her as a Visiting Professor. - It is not allowed to have more than One non-resident Co.I in the work team of a funded research project. - The PI should present a detailed explanation clarifying requirements of participating as non-resident Co.I. He/she should specify his/her responsibilities in implementing the project’s research plan. - For non-resident Co.Is it is not allowed to transfer or spend any amount of the project budget outside Kuwait, under any circumstances.
4. External Co.I – A Ph.D holder or its equivalent, working in a recognized local educational or research institutions, other than Kuwait university. The number of his/her ongoing projects at Kuwait university should not exceed two projects. He/she should have a key role in achieving the objectives of the research work clearly defined by the PI and stated in the research support application.
Q: Name(s) of author(s) in published research as research project’s productivity?

A: Inclusion of name(s) of author(s) in any published research, as a project’s productivity, is governed by following regulations:
1. Approved Research Team Members: This includes the PI, Co.Is, Contributors, Research Assistants and Associates, and temporary manpower, and the PI is free in selecting from among the team members, who participated in the project, for enlisting their name(s) as co-authors in papers reflecting a project’s productivity (See requisite para of the Grant Contract). Also, it is possible to add a new research associate to the project’s research team, if the PI justifies his/her request in detail and submits it at least 6 months prior to the date of the project’s ending as per the original contract. On RS’s agreement, the PI must make requisite changes in the project, with relevant addition(s).
2. A PI can also add name(s) of author(s) on published research, by getting a prior permission of Research Sector, by requesting for addition of new names as Co.Is, in his/her ongoing project, with due justification
Q: What are the procedures for research project evaluation?

A: • Projects with budget up to KD 2,500/- are refereed by one internal referee assigned by the Faculty Vice Dean for Research. The Research Sector readily handles this responsibility if the VDR expresses his/her reasons for non-availability of requisite referee for any project.
• Projects above KD.2,501/- are refereed through the Research Sector as follows:
1. For project budget between KD. 2,501/- to 8,500/-, are refereed by two external referees.
2. For projects above KD. 8,501/-, three external referees review the project.

For all types of projects, the Vice Dean for Research sends referee(s) reports to the PI for his/her opinion, after these are received from the Research Sector. The Vice Dean for Research then receives the PI’s response and forwards, both – the project’s refereeing report and the PI’s response, to the Faculty Scientific Research Committee to ensure that the PI has answered all queries raised by the referees. Following the Committee’s clearance, the Application for research project funding is presented to the Research Sector for requisite procedural formalities, including discussions and decision-making.
Q: What time period is needed by the Research Sector for research project evaluation?

A: An estimated three months period is normally required for selecting and contacting the external referees, and getting their acceptance to review the proposed research, and receiving the evaluation report. However, the process of refereeing projects upto KD. 2,500/-, depends on the Vice Dean for Research.
Q: When can I apply for research Petty Cash?

A: The standard Petty Cash Applications are received from the PIs from April (start of fiscal year) to December of each year. No Petty Cash Applications are received during the 3-month period from January 1 to March 31 (end of fiscal year).
Q: What are the procedures of applying for Research Petty Cash?

A: Procedures for obtaining the Petty Cash, and its expenditure and settlement, are governed by following rules (“Rules and Regulations, Chapter six, Article 13):
1. The PI applies for the petty cash by using the standard “Petty Cash Application Form”, and submits it to RS along with a copy of his/her Civil ID.
2. After the approval of the petty cash application by RS, the requested amount is transferred to the PI’s account, or a cheque is issued depending upon the PI’s preference.
3. No new petty cash amount can be released, until the PI settles the previous one.
4. Transfer of a Petty Cash allocation from one fiscal year to the next is not permissible.
5. Petty Cash requests are not processed from January 1st to the end of March, of the fiscal year.
6. At the end of each fiscal year, Petty Cash settlement should be made before the date specified by KU Administration (usually end of January). Failure to settle the Petty Cash allocation before the specified deadline will lead to a deduction of the amount from the salary of the PI.
7. It is not allowed to have more than six Petty Cash allocations for a research project during the course of one fiscal year. For projects that need more expenditures on consumables, the following should be taken into consideration:
• Ensuring that the Petty Cash is utilized to purchase essential materials, especially those having short shelf life.
• Purchasing consumables, such as chemicals and glassware, through direct purchase orders. The amount of each order should not exceed KD 2000/-.
8. It is permitted to make a final settlement of expenditure on consumables at the end of the project implementation period. This is subjected to the availability of budget under the running cost category. The amount of the final settlement should not exceed KD 1000/-.
Q: How much time does it take to get the Petty Cash grant?

A: Normally, the money is received within a maximum period of 3 weeks.
Q: What are the procedures for settling Petty Cash Grants?

A: Procedures for settling the Petty cash are described in “Rules & Regulations”, Chapter six, Article 15, as follows:
1. The PI should settle the petty cash amount, either partially or fully, in order to clear his/her outstanding balance. In case of partial settlement, unspent amounts should be refunded to appropriate KU accounts.
2. RS does not accept any petty cash settlement that is not in accordance with the financial regulations of RS and KU.
3. The following procedure should be followed in making the petty cash settlement:
          a. The PI submits a petty cash settlement request using a standard form, which contains a list of the purchased items, and attaching their original invoices (receipts), issued under the name of KU.
          b. All invoices should be endorsed (signed) and dated by the PI.
          c. A receipt should be attached to a non-cash invoice.
          d. The settlement amount of a single invoice should not exceed KD 500/-, except when prior-permission is granted by the RS.
          e. All invoices submitted for settlement must be approved by KU Stores Administration, which will verify whether the purchased items are consumables or non-consumables.
          f. Non-consumables are duly recorded under the PI’s name. A document showing such a record should be submitted together with the Petty Cash settlement.
          g. Invoices should be related to purchases made after the start date of the research project, and during the same fiscal year as the Petty Cash allocation.
          h. When a credit card payment is made, an account (bank) statement should be submitted, together with the settlement application, verifying such payments and their dates.
Q: Is it possible to present invoices without getting a Grant?

A: No. it is not possible, as regulations do not allow any pre-spending without grant allocation.
Q: Is it possible to compensate for invoices that exceed the Grant?

A: Compensation may be possible for small amounts, provided that the budget is available in the research project.
Q: Is it possible to compensate for what was taken from previous fiscal years?

A: Compensation may be possible, upon approval of the Finance Affairs, for only one previous fiscal year.
Q: Is it possible to compensate for publications?

A: RS reimburses the publication costs of scientific papers, produced by research project,
which are published in refereed scientific journals, subject to the following conditions
(“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter six, Article 14, item 2):
          a. Written requests for reimbursement of the publication cost can be submitted any time during the implementation period of the project, or within two years after the completion of the project.
          b. The publication cost is paid after submitting either an acceptance letter from the journal, or a reprint of the published paper.
          c. It is not necessary to include the publication cost in the budget of the research project.
          d. The researcher should adhere to the rules and conditions governing publication of scientific productivity, as stated in the signed research contract.
Q: Is it possible to ask for an additional funding during the project’s period?

A: The researcher can request a supplementary funding. The procedure is described in “Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Ten, Article 38):
1. The request should be submitted by the PI, using a special application form, and supported by a valid justification. The application is forwarded to RS after endorsement of the VDR.
2. It is important that the application is submitted at least three months prior to the end of the original period of the project.
3. The application is discussed by the RS’s Implementation Committee. Approval of the supplementary funding is based on an evaluation of the available progress reports.
4. The maximum limit for supplementary funding will not exceed the amount necessary to cover the salaries of the permanent manpower for half of the extended period.
5. The supplementary funding should not result in exceeding the budget ceiling of research projects having KD 2,500/- and KD 8,500/- budget limits.
Q: Is it possible to transfer financial allocations in the same fiscal year?

A: Transfer of budgetary allocations is possible according to the following guidelines (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Ten, Article 40):
          1. It is allowed to transfer allocated amounts from one budgetary category to another in the same fiscal year. This request is made by submitting a transfer application to RS. The application should be signed by the PI and endorsed by the VDR.
          2. Budget reallocations and supplementary funding applications are studied by the RS’s Implementation Committee. The following guidelines are considered in taking the decisions:
                    a. Transfer of allocated amounts from one budgetary category to another is allowed only twice during the course of one fiscal year.
                    b. It is allowed to transfer the amount allocated to undertake a scientific mission to inviting a visiting expert, and vice-versa.
                    c. It is not allowed to transfer amounts allocated to scientific mission and inviting a visiting expert to any other budgetary category, and vice-versa.
                    d. Balances or remaining amounts in the scientific mission and visiting expert category are considered as spent amounts, which are not reimbursed under any circumstances.
                    e. It is possible to transfer the amounts allocated to the running cost category (consumables and temporary manpower) to any other budgetary category, except scientific mission and visiting expert.
                    f. It is not allowed to transfer amounts blocked for permanent and seconded manpower. This is to ensure payments of salaries to the permanent and seconded manpower for the remaining contractual period.
                    g. It is allowed to transfer remaining amounts in the manpower category to the running cost category (consumables and temporary manpower).
                    h. It is not allowed to transfer amounts allocated to the equipment category to any other category.
                    i. Equipment purchasing requests are restricted to only those items specified in the approved research project application.
Q: Is it possible to transfer budget articles from one fiscal year to another?

A: It is not allowed to transfer allocated amounts from the budget of one fiscal year to the next fiscal year. The travel budget is not allocated to a specific year. The researcher may apply for a scientific mission anytime during the implementation period of the project, and within one fiscal year following the end of the project.
Q: What are the conditions for employing Research Associate, Research Assistant and Technician on projects?

A: Employment of Permanent Manpower on research projects is subject to requisite educational qualifications (“Rules & regulations”, Chapter Eight, Article 21).
Qualification: - Research Associate – Ph.D. - Research Assistant – Master’s or Bachelor’s with very Good Grade. - Technicians – Diploma.
Appointment of permanent manpower on research projects is subject to the following conditions (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Eight, Article 22):
          a. Should not be working elsewhere.
          b. Should have the educational qualification required for the job. The certificates should be made equivalent and authenticated, when necessary.
          c. Should hold residency, which is transferable to KU if he/she is resident in Kuwait. A visa will be issued if abroad.
Q: What are the conditions and procedures for Secondment?

A: It is permissible to second scientific assistants, technicians or administrative personnel to work on a research project on part-time basis for a period of not less than three months.
Part-time secondment, from within or outside KU, is subject to the following terms and conditions (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Eight, Article 28):
          a. An official approval should be obtained from his/her current employer.
          b. The seconded person should have the requested qualifications for the job.
          c. The secondment must be essential for the execution of the research project.

The following procedures are applicable for partial secondment of KU employees (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Eight, Articles 29 and 30):
     1. The PI submits a secondment application to RS (Manpower Department).
     2. The application is approved and endorsed by the VPR and then forwarded to the Secretary General for issuing the secondment decree.
     3. The seconded employee should not be assigned any work before the requisite secondment decree is issued.
     4. Payments to the seconded person are released, after completing the appointment procedure, upon receiving a request from the PI. The request is made using the Secondment Payment Form, which should be duly signed and endorsed by the PI and the Chairman of his Department.
     5. The payment is made according to the number of working hours (maximum payment is KD 250 per month).
Q: What are the documents required for Secondment on projects?

A: The PI submits the secondment application to RS, together with the following documents (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Eight, Article 30):
          a. A copy of the educational certificates and transcripts
          b. A copy of his/her valid Civil ID
          c. A copy of KU employee ID
Q: When to apply for Secondment for working on a project?

A: The Secondment application should be submitted at least one month prior to the proposed starting date, for those applying from within the University, and 2 months for candidates from outside KU. Seconded person must not resume his/her duties before the issuance of the Secondment Decree.
Q: What are the conditions for travel on scientific mission?

A: Terms and conditions for scientific missions are as follows (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Nine, Article 32):
     1. The scientific mission should be of direct relevance to a research project funded by RS.
     2. The required budget should be allocated in the project proposal.
     3. It is necessary to present a research paper, accepted by a scientific conference outside Kuwait.
     4. The theme of the paper, to be presented at the conference, should be relevant to the research project.
     5. It is permissible to undertake a scientific mission solely to present a poster paper only by researchers in the Faculties of Engineering & Petroleum, Science, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences.
     6. It is permissible to undertake a scientific mission to observe rare manuscripts related to the research project only by researchers in the Faculties of Arts and Sharia. However, prior approval of the RS’s Implementation Committee is required.
     7. A Co-I is allowed to travel on a scientific mission, after a requisite approval is obtained from the PI of the project and the RS.
     8. Scientific missions are not granted for General Facility projects, or for RIGs and Graduate Studies projects.
     9. A researcher is allowed only one scientific mission (or visiting expert) for a research project. Priority Research Projects are exempted from this condition.
     10. Researchers pursuing Priority Research Projects can avail themselves of a scientific mission each fiscal year of the project’s duration. In addition, participation in one of these missions is allowed without the mandatory requirement of a research presentation. As an alternative to attending a conference, this mission could be employed for visiting research centers, or establishing communication links and collaboration with specialists in the research field.
     11. The researcher is allowed to undertake only one scientific mission, funded by RS, during a single fiscal year, regardless the number of his/her ongoing projects.
     12. Scientific missions are not granted for researchers on sabbatical leave or on full-time secondment within or outside Kuwait University.
     13. Scientific missions are not granted for researchers with teaching commitments during the summer semester.
Q: What are the procedures for hosting a Visiting Expert?

A: The PI should submit an application to RS requesting the invitation to the visiting expert at least three months prior to the intended date of the visit. The application should be supported with a valid justification for the purpose and necessity of the visit. Moreover, the following documents should be enclosed with the application (“Rules & Regulations”, Chapter Nine, Article 36):
     a. CV of the visiting expert.
     b. Proposed program for the visit.
     c. Correspondences with the expert, and any supporting documents, indicating his/her acceptance and commitment to the visit. The visiting expert should be aware of the proposed program.
     d. A copy of the expert’s passport.
Q: Am I eligible to appoint a Research Assistant on a Research Project?

A: As a Researcher you are eligible to appoint a Research Assistant on a Research Project, provided the manpower requirements are specified, and duly budgeted in the research proposal.

The major criteria for determining Research Assistants salary, however, depends on their educational qualifications (see Manual of Rules & Regulations, 2013),
Q: Should the appointment of Research Assistants be from within or outside Kuwait University? Is it permissible that faculty Teaching Assistants be inducted as Research Assistants on a research project?

A: Yes, you are allowed to appoint Research Assistants from within or outside KU. Research Assistants could be appointed as:
     • Permanent Manpower
     • Temporary Manpower
     • Part-time Manpower

As for Teaching Assistants or Engineers working at KU, they can either be assigned as Temporary manpower or Part-time manpower on projects, subject to Secretary General’s decision, and provided they work outside official working hours.
Q: What are the terms and conditions for availing the Research Initiation Grant?

A: Terms and Conditions of RIG projects are as follows:
     • Research Initiation Grants are offered to new Kuwaiti faculty members, who have not completed two years since joining KU.
     • Application for RIG grant is submitted online, with an abstract.
     • RIG grants are not tied to the requirement of published paper or productivity.
     • Only Temporary Manpower is allowed on RIG projects.
     • Maximum duration for RIG projects is one year.
     • As a PI, one needs to first complete the RIG project, before starting a new project.
Q: Is it permissible to apply for RIG grant for a period of two years, and submit progress report at the end of each year? Or RIG is permitted only for one year?

A: The RIG grants are applicable only for one year. On completion of RIG project, the researcher must submit a final report, and not a progress report. Also, a six-month grace period is allowed for the completion and submission of final report.
Q: How does one know the exact duration required for a Research Project?

A: The exact duration for the project depends on the type and nature of proposed research activity. In case a proposal is submitted with three years duration, but which, however, requires only one year to complete, then the referee, reviewing the proposal, would register his observations, asking for necessary changes to be made in the proposal.
Q: Could the project Progress Report be submitted online?

A: No, Progress Report cannot be submitted online. It has to be submitted through the office of Vice Dean for Research. Only the project Final Report is allowed to be submitted online. Moreover, if the rating given by the referee is less than Good, the project would be put on hold, until the PI makes requisite modifications, as per the issues raised by the referee. The revised report may be re-evaluated for ‘Good or above’ rating.
Q: Is it mandatory to submit a project proposal, specifically relating to my area of research, or could I chose a topic that partly relates to my specialized area?

A: Research projects invariably depends upon the type of intended research, and should preferably be related to your area of research, however, you may choose to do research in different area, closely related to your specialization.
Q: What is meant by productivity? Is it scientific or commercial productivity?

A: The term productivity means ‘scientific productivity’, in the form of research papers, published in international refereed journals with impact factor according to ISI Web of Knowledge. In addition, papers published in KU Journals or Arabic Journals are considered as productivities of projects submitted from Departments of Arabic Language or College of Sharia & Islamic Studies.
Q: How is the referee selected? Is it from within or outside Kuwait University?

A: The selection of referees depends upon a project’s subject area, and accordingly, referees could be both from within or outside Kuwait University. From Kuwait University, any faculty member, with the rank of Professor or Associate Professor, could serve as a referee for evaluating a project.

Their selection depends upon the project’s area of specialization, for which RS maintains an integrated database of over 2922 experts from top 100 universities worldwide, who could be potential reviewers for a proposed project,

The selection of local or external referee is based on a project’s budgetary requirements. A project with budget up to KD 4000/- is refereed by an internal or external referee, depending on the researcher’s choice. While, projects above KD 4000/- are reviewed by external referees.
Q: Am I entitled to KD 1000/- reward, if I extend my Ph.D. work and publish my paper in Q1 journal?

A: If the Researcher extends the Ph.D. work, and publishes the paper in Q1 journal, then he would be entitled to get the unfunded reward, provided the paper meets the requirements in terms of affiliation and authorship.

Researchers are also alerted on refraining from using copied material in their research work. Each project submitted to RS is run on a software called iThenticate. This detects the percentage of work copied from other sources, and the researchers need to ensure that any part of the research project they submit is not copied.
Q: Is the NPG Language Editing Service only for funded Projects? Are there any limits or charges?

A: The NPG Language Editing Service is for both funded and unfunded projects. There are no limits or charges for Assistant Professors. However, researchers must make sure that they submit the final manuscript, as it is not allowed to resubmit the same manuscript more than once.
Q: Is it possible to submit a Research Project in collaboration with another Faculty within KU? Who would help me to contact or find the Researcher in the Faculty?

A: The Research Sector encourages multidisciplinary research, involving collaboration between researchers from different faculties and departments, and there is evidence of several successfully completed collaborative studies. If you need to contact researchers from another specialty area, RS can provide help in two ways:

1. Our database can provide the contact information on researchers from all faculties, who could be contacted directly.
2. Researchers could also be contacted through the respective faculties Vice Dean’s office .

RS also has a website for KU Scientific Journal Publications, and researchers can make a keyword search related to specific area of their research, and get requisite information related to the author, research journal papers, impact factor and journal ranking.
Q: Is it possible to use the NPG Language Editing Service more than once?

A: You are allowed to submit only once. So make sure that what you submit is in final form. Researchers willing to pay for the service can submit their manuscripts directly to NPG Language Editing website, and will receive a 15% referral discount on their submission.
Q: If my research paper has 30% from iThenticate, does it get rejected?

A: Not in every cases, each case being different. This mainly depends on what has been copied. For example, for equations it can be accepted. But for sentences directly lifted from the same paragraph, and copied, then 30% or above of such copied text cannot be accepted.
Q: Do we have deadlines for Research Initiation Grant?

A: There are no deadlines for any project, project submission is an open year-round activity. However, for RIG projects, the researcher should not have completed two years since joining KU.
Q: Is it necessary to submit RIG application online or even a hardcopy could be submitted?

A: Only online submission is required.
Q: What if the word-limit causes problem, and does not allow online submission?

A: In such cases, hardcopy could be submitted.
Q: My research involves taking blood samples from human subjects, is it allowed to take blood samples, and what is needed to be done?

A: In such invasive research, involving human subjects, the approval of ethical committee is necessary, for which you may approach the Health Sciences Center/Faculty of Medicine.
Q: Is there any provision to make payment to respondents who participate in answering questions/questionnaire for my research project?

A: You may submit details of your research, including questionnaire and participants, for RS to study your request.
Q: For publishing research is there any specific procedures to follow?

A: If you are a recipient of Research Grant, it is mandatory to acknowledge KU Research Support along with the Grant No. It is a must to publish in accredited and refereed journals, and you can identify the best journals by following the ISI Web of Knowledge, the link for which is provided at OVPR website. This will ensure the quality and credibility of your research.
Q: Why do I need to publish research papers extracted from my Ph.D. thesis?

A: Research papers extracted from your thesis will not count towards your promotion but it is good to have them in your resume.
Q: Can I apply for a research reward if the paper is extracted from my Ph.D. thesis?

A: No, the work has to be done at Kuwait University, and Kuwait University affiliation has to appear in the paper. Moreover, the paper should not acknowledge institution or organization outside Kuwait.
Q: Once I submit a proposal to the Research Sector, why the Research Sector will send the proposal to the Department?

A: First, a research proposal is submitted to the Research Sector for assigning the project code, and making sure that the application is complete in all aspects, with essential elements of the proposal (such as, background, introduction, methodology, importance) in line with the RS format. Then, starts the processing stage, for which the project is forwarded to the Department Research Committee (DRC). Also, if the budget is more than KD. 4000/-, the project is sent to the Departmental Coordinator through the Vice Dean for Research and the Chairman to be discussed at the department level to make appropriate recommendation. The Departmental Committee, after proofreading the proposal, and ensuring that the budget requested is in proportion with the objective of the proposal, makes its recommendation to the VDR. The Departmental Research Coordinator may request the PI to modify the budget, again in accordance to the stated objective. For more information on DRC functions and responsibilities see OVPR website.
Q: I have received a number of calls requesting information on a tender to purchase specific equipment!

A: It is extremely important that all communication is made through the Research sector. This includes all financial, purchasing and administrative affairs/transactions. Working closely with RS is highly recommended and results in shortening the procedures.
Q: Who should we contact in case of questions and queries?

A: Contact information is available on the Website. Youy may also contact the Hotline # 2498 5208
Q: What should we do incase of difficulties in accessing or using the online proposal submission system?

A: Contact RS for technical help and assistance.
Q: As a new researcher, we need to have basic services, which are not provided by the faculty, such as printers, databases and survey facilities?

A: Your faculty is encouraged to submit a General Facility project which would provide the infrastructure commonly needed by researchers and your faculty.


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